An herb, that when consumed will cause a tingling sensation of the tongue and cheeks, nicknamed "Mouth Seizure" by french comedians, it is a popular sexual enhancer in Latvia.
Wow, this Szechuan Button is making my mouth have an orgasm!
Not quite as bad as "small dick energy," but sort of a middle ground. No swag, harmless, forgetable, sexually invisible, insecure men who wear button down shirts as general fashion have this kind of "energy." Sort of a beta male.
Susie: "I'm going on a date with Thad tonight."
Kara: "Why not go on a date with Brad?"
Susie: "Ew. He's got real button down shirt energy."
A term used to describe a man's butthole during sex.
I love what you did to my tingle button last night.
3👍 1👎
something to say when you dont know what to say
"So...," she said trying to fill the odd silence.
"Sew buttons on a peacoat," the old man replied.
A reward in YouTube given to YouTubers for passing a certain amount of subscribers.
KSI: yooo I got a diamond play button🤣🤣🤣
Logan Paul: yeah… just because of prime.
What the snooze button looks like when you are half asleep and not wearing eyeglasses (when you normally wear eyeglasses)
*Morning alarm comes from smartphone*
Phone screen (according to my eyes): "Sneeze"
Me: *hits the snooze button*
*ten minutes later*
*Morning alarm goes off again*
Me: "Fuck! I overslept. Why did I hit the sneeze button?"
Beomgyu- pReSs DiS hUrT bUtToN
Iconic line.
press this heart button, you know what I'm sayin?