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Szechuan Button

An herb, that when consumed will cause a tingling sensation of the tongue and cheeks, nicknamed "Mouth Seizure" by french comedians, it is a popular sexual enhancer in Latvia.

Wow, this Szechuan Button is making my mouth have an orgasm!

by Mr. Herpes, sucka. August 20, 2012

Button Down Shirt Energy

Not quite as bad as "small dick energy," but sort of a middle ground. No swag, harmless, forgetable, sexually invisible, insecure men who wear button down shirts as general fashion have this kind of "energy." Sort of a beta male.

Susie: "I'm going on a date with Thad tonight."
Kara: "Why not go on a date with Brad?"
Susie: "Ew. He's got real button down shirt energy."

by CutiePatootiePie January 21, 2025

tingle button

A term used to describe a man's butthole during sex.

I love what you did to my tingle button last night.

by Slypknotic September 6, 2021

3👍 1👎

Sew buttons on a peacoat

something to say when you dont know what to say

"So...," she said trying to fill the odd silence.
"Sew buttons on a peacoat," the old man replied.

by casper_thegirl February 1, 2022

Play Button

A reward in YouTube given to YouTubers for passing a certain amount of subscribers.

KSI: yooo I got a diamond play button🤣🤣🤣
Logan Paul: yeah… just because of prime.

by AQUAR1US4LIF3 March 16, 2023

Sneeze button

What the snooze button looks like when you are half asleep and not wearing eyeglasses (when you normally wear eyeglasses)

*Morning alarm comes from smartphone*

Phone screen (according to my eyes): "Sneeze"

Me: *hits the snooze button*

*ten minutes later*

*Morning alarm goes off again*

Me: "Fuck! I overslept. Why did I hit the sneeze button?"

by Leopards14 December 6, 2023

Press this heart button

Beomgyu- pReSs DiS hUrT bUtToN
Iconic line.

press this heart button, you know what I'm sayin?

by tudoro February 14, 2023