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Hot Clamming

The process of having intercourse while the female partner has a moderate fever. Preferably coming down from the flu when extra mucus output begins. Typically performed by couples, the male should not have a fever, thus giving him the extra sensations of a super-heated extra-slimy pussy.
Unless the fever is over 100°F it's not considered 'hot clam'. A fever of 103+ is extremely mood-inhibiting thus only achievable by master hot clammers. Therefore optimal temperatures will be between 100-102°F ~ 37-39°C.

n. Hot Clam, Clam·med, Clam·ming, Clam·mer

Guy: "My wife was hot clamming me Friday night, now im feeling a little under the weather."

Dude: "I bet it was worth it though."

Guy: "It was the best pussy I've ever had. Period."

by SZfiftyfour July 7, 2011

16👍 3👎

Hot Bunk

Term derived from the US Navy. When three sailors that work different shifts are required share a bed, each getting its use for an eight hour shift. Thus the bed (bunk) is always in use, always warm. i.e. hot bunk.

Term also describes the situation when a man-whore is bedding multiple women at times that nearly overlap. Thus the bed is in constant use and always warm. i.e hot bunk.

"Dick has always taken pride at hot bunking women. Too bad none of them weighed less than 400 pounds."

by WhyMe? January 11, 2014

16👍 3👎

Hot Haus

This is an organization of dwinklets that live in the caves of deceit. There are 36 current members, all dwinklets. They never die or reproduce. There is an estimated 102 dwinklets on this earth and they all are making their way to the Hot Haus. They can walk, climb, and swim. This allows them to get over any type terrain but very slowly. Once they all arrive at the Hot Haus they will turn the heat up to 102 degrees in the cave and pour hot wax all over each others bodies. They do this for 3 days and 3 nights. Constant wax heating and pouring. There is no real meaning to do this but they just love the feeling of hot wax like no other.

Don't go in there, that's the Hot Haus and it's waxing time.

by Corey Wagner April 15, 2005

45👍 13👎

Hot Pickle

An active weapon system such as a missile or bomb, or anything else that is ready for use by inference.

US Air Force slang, based on the fact that most air-dropped or -launched muntions are elongate like a dill pickle, and from the red button on the joystick used to fire theses weapons which resembles a slice of pickle found in burgers.

"With the target illuminated with a lser device carried by ground troops, the pilot activated the seeker head on the missile. 'Okay, I have a hot pickle, give me a go/no-go, FAC' he asked the Forward Air Controller"

by D F Stuckey July 10, 2004

45👍 13👎

engineering hot

The phenomena that happens when a mediocre looking girl walks into an engineering class which causes her hot rating to increase by a factor of at least 2 (+or - 4 points depending on the class's girl to guy ratio.)

She's definitley engineering hot. Maybe a 6 last night at the party but definitley a 12 today in class

by elfritobandido October 15, 2009

45👍 13👎

hot dog

a piece of meat that is cooked and is always enjoyed at baseball games

if you can tell what meat makes up a hotdog please post it here

by JayKay February 25, 2005

663👍 271👎

Hot Topic


- technically not a poser store... you have people that shop at hollister in there, people from the hip hop scene shopping in there...
- there is no religious Paraphernalia there... they dont sell anything with crosses, pentagrams, weed/drug symbols on them
- its mainly for people from the age of 16-25
- if you think its over priced, wait till theres a sale or it goes on clearance!
- there is really no happy bunny shit in there anymore... except for room funishings and things for your car... if you want happy bunny stuff... go to claires or icing!
- yeah its true... preps rip off the style... aint lyin there!
- if you say that all the little avril and evanescense fans shop there... in reality they dont! most of the avril fans are scared to go in there!
- honestly there bondage pants are overrated... and the girls bondage pants are too feminen and lacy!
- if you think hot topic is all about black.. you are quite wrong... there is actually alot of color! sure they sell hello kitty and carebears... but thats to appeal to the younger generation
- there really is no good charlotte stuff in there... SO GET OFF IT!
- alot of the styles in there are also influenced by the employees when they go to shows, they have a thing called ticket reimbursement, where they give you your money back for your ticket, and you fill out a paper saying about the different styles you saw there! so for all you people that call hot topic a poser store that love to go to concerts, your actually influencing whats sold in the store!


- pretty much all the stupid rumors that you hear! if ya wanna know about hot topic why dont you go in there and take a look for yourself instead of walking by the store and looking in, and making a quick assumption of the quick glance you took! honestly i hate having people come in my store and say "OH MY GAWD!! THIS A POSER STORE!!" get a fucking life and stop labeling places! cause its just a store that sells clothing! oh and btw im an employee at this so called poser store!

great stuff: selection of music and apparel that deals with the music... after all hot topic is all about the music

by kt the swimmer March 1, 2006

74👍 24👎