when you fart and you are sitting down and poop comes out and makes a patty
Guy-"you did you hear that guy? he just farted so loud"
Guy2-"ya that dude totally just made a fart patty"
The act of building up intestinal gas and then creating a small passage between butt cheeks and realeasing the built up gases to create a very powerful and loud fart.
I released an incredibly powerful fart clencher in Brooks face.
When a person creates a seal with their lips and pushes air onto another persons body part. The forced air breaks the seal and the vibrating lips cause a fart like noise to be produced.
Warning: kissy farts may cause laughter if those affected are ticklish.
I woke up laughing this morning to my girlfriend under the covers giving me a kissy fart on my kidney." "Wow, that sounds like a passionate dutch oven to me, you two are special, my kids laugh,cry and nearly pee themselves when i lay huge kissy farts on their tummies.""I feel bad for being mean to you that night. Thinking about it makes me wanna jump on you and give you kissy farts."
A fart that sounds like you have shit watery poo into your pants although they remain dry. Almost a shart.
Faz: Fuck me Jamie that sounded like u shit yourself lad!!!!
Jamie: No mate, was just a runny fart!!
When you smell a smell in your house, but never can find where it's coming from.
"Where's that smell coming from?"
"Spider farts."
Something very small and inconsequential.
"I'm tired of working for this pea fart organization", when you work for an organization of five people.
It is the fart that someone accidentally drops and sometimes loud,usually at a formal place like office/restaurant. But because his colleagues want to save him from guilt,embarrassment and possibly a suicide attempt, they pretend to be decent ,acting not to notice the fart. They later discuss this issue among themselves after the guy leaves, mocking him with scorns that are even worse than snake bite,laugh at him and call him names.
Yesterday Tina dropped a fart of honor during the weekly meeting. Manager was shocked and remained sullen through out the meeting. Poor Tina.