Maintains all of the same attributes as the regular fuck boy; however, is premium in looks, money, or swag game.
Additional Characteristics that promote premiumness:
- socks, jordan sandals, and basketball shorts
- sends many selfies because he loves looking at himself
- typically has more than one babymama but not required
- loves facetiming, again because he likes looking at his own face
- plays cat and mouse with every girl he meets
- only texts through snapchat
- goes on secret vacations and pretends he has mono
Susie: Joe just sent me another selfie on snap chat with the cartoon filter.
Jessica: What a premium fuckboy!
A guy who gets with a lot of girls primarily through the use of dating apps but who has little to no game meeting girls elsewhere.
Despite having 20 bodies, John isn’t good at running game in bars, he’s just an e-fuckboy.
A guy who gets with a lot of girls primarily through the use of dating apps but who has little to no game meeting girls elsewhere.
John has 20 bodies but he’s not good at bars, he’s just an e-fuckboy.
A child under the age of 10 who should be pure and sweet, but due to a number of factors including shitty parents or the internet, they have become a fuckboi.
Yeah man, I ran into a premature fuckboi on Xbox Live today.
A dick with a dick. They will make a girl feel special with saying a whole bunch of shit and then blow them off. Its basically a one night stand.
The fuckboi world is fucked. They’re man whores. Half of them have a tiny penis.
“Is Lilly still with Brent?”
“Nope..Brent went and fucked another girl.”
“What a fuckboi..”