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Oh yeah n dat n ting


Johnny just did a back-flip
Oh yeah n dat n ting

by The man from Bushido Bay September 10, 2020

Oh yeah n dat n ting

'Wow' or 'for fucks sake' - depending on tone used

Johnny's scored.
Oh yeah n dat and ting.

Johnny's dropped the spliff in a puddle.
Oh yeah n dat n ting.

by The man from Bushido Bay September 10, 2020

golf time yeah

When the boys are getting fired up to get out on the course you shout the fraiseGolf time yeah” mainly the sentence is shouted well intoxicated

Guy 1: let’s rip 9 after work

Guy 2: I’m down as long as there’s beers


by Jakespancakes May 22, 2023

Yeah bups

An exclamation of enthusiasm for ongoing events

Yeah bups!

by The girls of Scotland August 12, 2018

oh, yeah

the thing the MVPerry snail says.

oh, yeah.

by NSegaXtra June 8, 2023


To use the words yep and/or yeah an excessive amount in one sentence.

I am the best at yep-yeahing.

by Irtiam December 7, 2022

yeah, I could splay that

A statement of affirmation or agreement about a proposed activity. Used in place of "I could get behind that", or "sure". The 'yeah' can be omitted if in a hurry.

While originally used exclusively about objects that are 'splayable', modern uses of the phrase do not require this property.

A similar phrase is "yeah, I *can* splay that", used to indicate belief or proficiency instead, i.e. "I'd buy it" or "I can do that".

It's also theoretically possible to use "no, I couldn't/can't/won't splay that" to indicate distaste or refusal, but this is rarely heard.

person A: ayo we're going Wendys in 10, you down?
person B: *deliberates* yeah, i could splay that

by splaya June 2, 2022