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Bitching & Moaning

Complaning constantly.

I'm tired of your bitching & moaning.

by Nichole McKnight August 6, 2009

Bubblegum Bitch

A girl who dates you and then pops your heat like bubblegum and doesn't care.

See song bubblegum bitch by Marina and the diamonds

Guy: she broke my heart like it didnt even matter
girl: she was just a bubblegum bitch

by Perdy April 18, 2013

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normally a blonde person who's a pain in the ass but who is also very hot

"you BITCH"
"you are my sexy bitch

by da bomb and you know it March 8, 2008

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noun:1 the female dog or other carnivorous mammal
2: a vulgar or immoral woman, sometimes used as a general term of abuse
3:something that is very difficult or unpleasant

transitive verb:1 spoil or ruin
2: to cheat or rook
3: to complain of or about

noun usage1: "Is your dog male or female?" "She's a bitch"
2:"That stripper is a nasty bitch!"
3: "Ugh. cleaning my room is a bitch."

transitive verb usage1: "you bitched me!"
2:"they bitched and moaned about the hike"

by Saraiyu August 26, 2007

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sliver bitch

1. A term derived from competitive multiplayer video gaming. Used to describe an opponent with such extremely low levels of life that their HP(hit point) bar appears to be empty with just a sliver of life left. Often, the term is expressed by a player who is chasing down and trying to dispatch a "sliver bitch" that is trying to make an escape with their last remaining HP.

Example 1:
*Playing League of Legends*

Player 1: Dude! Why are you running down the whole map!?
Player 2: Sliver bitch... almost got em!
*Player 2 has killed Player 4*
Player 1: Niiiiiicccceeee

Example 2:
*Playing Street Fighter*
Player 1: AHHH!!! Stop blocking, you sliver bitch, and meet your END!

Example 3:
*Playing Left 4 Dead*
Zombie Player 1: AH! I'm dead! Dude! Grab'em! There are 2 sliver bitches heading for the safe room!
Zombie Player 2: On it!

by Sliver Biatch May 29, 2011

bum bitch

Bitch with no job, and no life and no future. Spends all day running her mouth and causing drama instead of getting a job, a life, or a future.

That bitch is a bum bitch.

by foh bitch December 2, 2015

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Bitch Boy

Someone that likes to be "Fucked and Dominated"

Tubbo: "I learned what bitch boy meant the other day and I feel kinda scarred, I looked it up on urban dictionary. It means someone that likes to be "Fucked and Dominated."

by sr.boyson March 20, 2022

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