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Lake Charles, Louisiana

This place is a cesspool, thanks to the people! I have never seen so many smokers in my life. And what do you do with the old cigarette butts and ashes in your car, why you dump them at the next red light, of course. I have lived here for almost 2 years and cannot believe the way locals treat there own city. I saw a post that talked about the "Proud" people of this area. Here's how proud they are of the land. Don't take your used motor oil to the auto store to be disposed of properly, do like my neighbor suggested and pour it along your fence line to kill the weeds.....Nice, very nice. This guy has lived here all his life. Maybe that’s why I won't drink the tap water. Ohh, the tap water, every 5 months there is a build up of a black goo around my toilet water and the faucet head. Looks great when you’re washing your hands and this goo comes off into your hands. I asked my neighbor about it and he said it was normal. One of my favorite things is the drive into work every morning over the I-210 Bridge and getting a whiff of that pungent refinery plant brew that continues to be pumped into the air.

Lake Charles, Louisiana. Mmmmmmmmmm, I love the smell of lung cancer in the morning. It's not one of those smells you associate with nature either. If you like the rain then Seattle ain't got nothing on this place. And if it's not raining then it’s humid and hot. Oh, that’s right I forgot. The weather is decent here from November to March, ooooh you get 5 months of cool weather. Oh did I mention this is a college town? Most people think of college towns being pedestrian friendly city's with all the college kids. Not so my friend, try to ride your bike anywhere and you get to join the flow of traffic as they proceed to honk and throw things at you because you’re in their way. I had one lady tell me most of the people she ever saw on bikes around here are usually homeless. Nice huh! Louisiana is called the "Sportsman’s Paradise" well if you consider fishing and hunting a sport then so be it. That’s all they do around here, shoot things and catch things in the polluted water. That's right I said polluted water. Have you seen the number of refineries around the water ways here? About a year ago one of the cargo ships with a load of oil spilled its contents into the water around the lake area where all those beautiful homes are built. 15,000-18,000 barrels of the good stuff. The EPA and coast guard ordered all recreational use of the water banned until the spill was cleaned up.

by WorseThanHitler November 12, 2020

Charles Adam

He is a man of his words. A man who knows how to advocate for himself. Charles Adam would rather not discuss his problems because he wants to keep them to himself. He is both a good listener and a short-tempered person. Charles Adam is a nice guy, witty, smart, and a wonderful person.

Charles Adam loves eating fried chicken.

by obviously.your.girl May 14, 2022

LIl Jacob Choo Choo Charles Chungus Beanz

Someone who is violently Zimbabwe flicker felching to Duke Dennis without a license while roleplaying Choo Choo Charles and Shin sonic.

"Oh that's Jayden but be careful, some people call him a Lil Jacob Choo Choo Charles Chungus Beanz."

by SkibidiPapuslover3 December 10, 2024

The Ray Charles

The sexual act of having your mate paper cut the penos hole just prior to ejaculation.

Duuuude, I was just about to jizz and Lucy gave me The Ray Charles. It hirt so good.

by JakeThePlumber November 1, 2017

Charles Dembovsky

Charles Dembovsky--> a type of douchebag used to slap a person in the face. Generally an asshole to many, and a little angle to no one. Has no conscience of his bad actions and generally doens't give a fuck :)

Teacher: "Did anyone see who caused such chaos?"
Student:" It was Charles Dembovsky ma'am"

by Nemo fagot August 18, 2011


He is very sweet and he is the most loyal bf you will ever have, mostly always loves you, he is really short. Not too short tho, usually likes one person for a long time, blonde hair has a younger sister and older sister, amazing guy, if you have a Chuck/Charles in your life, DO NOT LET THEM GO!!!❤❤

OMG it's a Chuck/Charles!!!

by Be the reason somebody smiles October 1, 2019

Slow Charles

Anybody who's driving in front of you while going well below the speed limit and traveling the same exact path you are causing you to be really late to your destination.

Woo: Hey dude, I'm gonna be late.

Mush: Why, what's up? Something wrong with your car bro?

Woo: Nah, there's a friggin' "Slow Charles" in front of me. He legit can't be going more then like 8-10mph. It could take me like 20 minutes to get there.

Mush: Damn, it usually only takes you 'bout 10 minutes.

Woo: AHHH!!! I know... this is totally ridiculous bro!!!

by SpeedBall Inc. February 5, 2021