A female that can consume large amounts of dabs in one breath
A female that lives off of dabs to stay sane
A female that know the different consistencies and how to apply them differently to which dab device
Cassie Siena is the original dab queen!
The act of hypothetically fist bumping someone.
"Congratulations everyone! We helped find a cure for cancer, air dabs to you!"
it's when you dab on dem haters
Person 1. they just jeally
Person 2. we just gotta DAB ON DEM HATERS
The act of insulting someone or making a joke about them which ends in the popular dance move the dab
"your mom gay" *dab*
"sick dab jab bro"
“Dabbing” originated in 2015, and considered a cringe-worthy dance move across various social media platforms, is now claimed by the LGBTQ community as the official dance move.
Ryan just dabbed, I think he could be gay (according to the LGBTQ dabbing definition).
The art of ejaculating semen on your partner’s body, then using the dick as a paint brush to shmear said semen in a potential artistic fashion. Traditionally on their face.
(Partner speaking) Tonight, when we get home, I want you to dab n’ shmear my face.
A Half Dab is when you place your Mouth and Nose into your Shoulder region without extending your opposite arm to its full extent.
When you go to Cough or Sneeze into your Shoulder area you do a Half Dab.