A phenomenon in which mystical forces appear to inexplicably throw a workplace or party into chaos or unprecedented popularity.
"This party is stricken with the Ariel Effect, what with the droves of police and gangsters piling out of clown cars with Tommy Guns. Got Damn!"
The Jean Piaget Effect, also known as the Piaget Effect or the Lore Master Effect, is a psychological effect found in the school of thought known as Constructivism in which the style of speech in an environment has an effect on changing the speech patterns of the individual. This is an off-shoot of Piaget's definition of "accommodation". The process of accommodation involves altering one's existing schemas, or ideas, as a result of new information or new experiences . In this case, the effect is mostly subconscious and expressed through literacy.
After attending some college courses, the Piaget Effect was causing Vinnford to structure his conversations like they were essays and the only way to turn it off was to watch Trailer Park Boys.
The Yana Effect is a phenomena discovered in 2023 when a extremely potent and radiant energy draws in other energy's for reality altering events!
This effect is extremely rare but it is believed to be when it happens a definer of fate & an establisher of vast change leading to those with the most potent energy's path's being clearly defined.
*Yana simply... Exists*
*Things around vastly change*
B: Wow things are so different now! This must be The Yana Effect! ^..^
The Devin Effect is a term used in the League of Legends community given to a specific circumstance in which a game can be lost due to a disproportional amount of kills given to one player. Although a team can technically be ahead in kills, if the majority of the kills have been given to one specific champion, they will ultimately lose the game for the rest of the team due to the lack of spreading of gold, kills, assists, and resources. If said champion were to die during a team fight, the rest of the team would stand no chance against the opposing team.
Devin got all the kills during the first half of the game, so the rest of us were left at level 12 without upgraded boots and I began to reverse snowball. We lost the game because of the Devin Effect.
Named after our so called cause “Danisha” (or Dani for short). “The Dani Effect” is when you meet up with someone on discord after only talking for a few days. Those little talks will somehow become “BF/GF” material and your life will spiral out of control. Most of the time one of the sides featuring in this “relationship” will either be completely uninterested or completely heels over head, there’s no in-between.
Mudassar is just another victim of the Dani Effect
When excitement takes over speech facilities and results in reciting really long lists.
Did you see Howard Dean at concession speech? He really suffered the Dean effect.
Kevin Garnett really suffered from the Dean effect after winning the NBA finals.
That uncanny event in which your computer no longer is experiencing issues at the exact moment it is brought to IT, making you look both stupid and intentionally disrespectful of the IT representative's time. Don't be a Patterson.
Man I looked like a doofus at the IT desk today. The Patterson Effect got me again!