Source Code

How to get a teen off their phone

Well what did you expect? You’re doomed you dingbat.

Urban dictionary can’t help me on how to get a teen off their phone

by I can’t help you, you dingbat December 20, 2020

how to get a guy to like you

Yea, if you're on here, sorry, but I can't come over to give you a full makeover. This dumbass typing is the best it'll get. Anyway, it depends. Which girl are you?:

"I talk to him (well, I try) but he answers quietly with almost no words..."
If you're THIS girl, chances are, he already likes someone else. BUT NOT ALL HOPE IS LOST. There's no ring on that stubby finger!! If he is showing signs of not wanting to talk to you, definitely don't start a convo. You mustttttt wear your hottest fit and DO NOT talk or look at him, even if he's looking at you.

"We're besties but he likes this rlly pretty girl and idk how to tell him that I like him..."
If you're this girl-sorry boo. Find someone else. :/. lmaooo jkjk. Sorta... So if he actually likes you, definately flirt a little. Like ask him if he likes your fit and talk to him about things that might turn him on... Like talk about how your mini skirt is riding up or fix your bra or whatever lmao. Just make sure you do that before you tell him.

"I dont even think he knows my name"

If your THIS GIRL. Bitchhhh I feeeeel. I understand the daily pain! There's this guy who is friggin hotter than an egg on a sidewalk in 110 degree weather. He's sooo ohmggg....Anyways. We're here to talk about you not me pffft. (His name is Keagan and he plays b-ball and he has curly brown hair with tan skin and he keeps deleting his dumbass pics on insta so I can't even see his fuckin post of those rock hard abs anymoreeee).

(bestie) "omg is that Keagan?!?!"

(Nora (me)) "back off bitch uhm heard of the girl code??? He's mine"
(bestie) "I might have to jump of the girl code train and hop on the Keagan train."
-how to get a guy to like you-

by MissCupidofficial November 13, 2021

How you like dem apples

A phrase that basically means "How do you like that" in a way that will piss someone off, usually used by a nerd.

Bill: I win wooot! How you like dem apples?


by Tysta51 April 23, 2009

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you know how it is

A common phrase used to replace the outdated β€œThat’s what she said” pun.

You know how it is can be tacked on to any sentence, word, or phrase, that alludes to sexual or inappropriate context.

John: β€œMan, that was really hard....you know how it is”

by You know how it is April 11, 2020

3πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

how the hell should I know?

An aggitated responce for when someone asks you a question you cannot possibly know the answer to. Usually said in a tone that is more or less telling the person to fuck off.

Guy #1: Where did I put my pen?
Guy #2: How the hell should I know?

by anonymous October 18, 2004

32πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

how i met your mother


Person 1: "have you seen the legendary tv show how i met your mother"

Person 2: "yer its pretty awesome, lets suit up and go to the bar."

by sexybeastmimsmimsmimsmims August 11, 2009

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how to get a girl to like you

don't be a fake ass bitch who makes fun of her as a way of "flirting." Legit just go to her insta Bio and scroll through her collection on VSCO. Most likely there is something saying what she wants in a guy. If not text her "hey" and when she says hey back tell her she's gorgeous. If the convo keeps going, don't ask "u wanna hang" just no. say "Would you go out with me?" thats is legit it.

how to get a girl to like you? Look it up on the urban dictionary

by Adeline Johnson October 25, 2018

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