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#1. An immortal entity of divine being with powers that we mere mortals have not the understanding of.

see also goddess
Deity worshiped by a religious "cult" in the hope of salvation, protection, and other worldly and spiritually help. An excellent thing to turn to in times of hardship in order to draw strength and something that should be respected no matter what your views are.

#2. a nickname for Eric Clapton.

#1. "praise the gods who have saved us from certain death though they need not have bothered with such simple lives as ours"

#2 "Clapton is god"

by SomeRocker July 30, 2013

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God is a very hard to understand word. Most religions worship one God while other worship more than one. Scientists and researchers came to the conclusion that early people just created a god or gods to justify the fenomenons they didnt understand. However a lot of civilizations that didnt have any conections one and another created extremelly similar gods and that faith guided them even better than science guides this "modern" society.

In reality there is one mastermind, however there are millions of gods. Reality is not just this 3d world we live in, anybody who looks inside themselves can experience and prove what i am saying.

The Absolute, the Core, in Kabalah the Ain Soph Aur is the mastermind, and the universe and us are his reflection. In other words we are him as he is us.

He is like a president, wich has in his disposal an army with ranked soldiers, its like a goverment. Those soldiers are all gods, becouse in escence they are god. And within each of us theres one of those gods living in flesh to complete a mission down on this 3d world.

We cannot see them becouse we are totally blinded by ego and we must wake up and come back to our father. That is how we can encarnate our true self as did Buddha, Jesus, and others.


by Gnostic Student August 4, 2012

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people created the idea of god because they were sick of people asking them,
"what is the meaning of life?"
"how did i get here?"
so people came up with the most rediculous idea of god. its bull cr%p. but believe in whatever you want to believe in. i wont judge you

kid: "mom, what happens to you when you die?"
mom: "god sends you go to heaven."
kid: "cut the sh%t I'm serious."

by this guy named tim June 3, 2011

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A collective consciousness consisting of the sum of all matter and energy combined.

The all knowing, all powerful, God.
God is everywhere.
God is in all of us.

by Christopher Kunferman July 26, 2006

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- A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions.
- see Ryan Brun

Every Sunday, we go to church and pray to Ryan Brun.

by Brunion April 6, 2005

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The reason i am who i am today, and is how i got through all of my hard times n struggles. I am proud to say that im a Christian n even though I may not always act right God's always got my back.=

'Ive been having a horrible week until God helped me get that promotion at work.'

by SarahKn0ws August 20, 2009

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A simulacrum.

"The simulacum never hides the truth. It is the truth that hides the fact that there is none. The simulacrum is true."

by pseudoman March 30, 2004

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