A lunch tray booty is when someone has a booty so massive that you could set a lunch tray upon it.
“The lunch tray booty on that cashier at Wendy’s was so big that you could put two biggie bags on it.”
A lunch tray booty is when someone has a booty so massive that you could set a lunch tray upon it.
“The lunch tray booty on that cashier at Wendy’s was so big that you could put two biggie bags on it.”
Advice Rhode Islanders give each other when one plans to take an in-state car ride that will last more than 20 minutes.
Pete: I'm heading to south county.
Mel: Pack a picnic lunch!
A lunch twin is when two friends are becoming best friends but don’t wanna date so they become more than friends and a lot less than a couple. So they become lunch twins and they scream at each other anywhere examples of this would be in face time calls ,middle school, and high school hallways.
LT1: hey have you seen my Lunch Twin??
Person: no?
When you’re so sure of something, you’re willing to settle it by betting a Plate-Lunch.
Joe-Shmo: Bruh, You sure you know where you going?
Braddah-man: Cuz, I’m plate-lunch positive. This is my stomping grounds!
When you take your significant other for a drive out in the country for car sex or road head over your lunch break. Caution: Be sure to bring along your Road Head Emergency Kit.
I was really in need of sex, so I took my GF out for a country lunch.
July 11th is known Worldwide as the National Boss Buys Lunch Day. There are no exceptions for this day. If the boss refuses to buy lunch, he/she has to do 10 push-ups for every employee in the office.
Wow, today is finally July 11th - National Boss Buys Lunch Day. I am so excited for free lunch!