Someone who makes sexual comments about his Veterinary clients, passive aggressively talks to his employees, and mocks his former employees despite wrongful termination.
“He made a sexual comment about a young girl that was in the same building with her mother? Such a Tyler Martin move”
Someone who does not wipe their hiney, mains caustic and cleared out the dance floor of Pub because something crawled up in his banana cutter and died.
Hey man did you wipe? Didn’t think so, total Tyler Martin move
Douglas is the most adorable rat ever and likes to bite hamsters, he is also very unawear of stuff around him and is a sexy doggo who we all love xx
"Who's that dog Holly is with? "
"oh that's Douglas Martin jr"
"he's a lovely rat"
Owen Martin Boon is the kind of fella to walk around and spit Medium Rizz. He is the type of guy to diss you by calling you a “bag of dicks.” Owen Martin Boon has the best ad libs around, He should be featured on Lil Yachty's new album.
"That guy just pulled a Owen Martin Boon"
very crazy confusing girl but is fun to be around
wow i want to be sydny martin boyfreind
a bald headed bitch who thinks he can teach but really can't. always talks about his 15 year old son who he adopted from Guatemala that goes to DeSmet.
"you all are going to fail at life unlike my 15 year old son that I adopted from Guatemala that goes to DeSmet."
"shut the fuck up Donald Martin"
When something is so cletus you don’t know anymore
That’s so Ricky Martin