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Coochie berry

(1) Fruit that just doesn't taste good at all.

(2) Someone that smells really bad.

(3) Someone with a bad personality.

(1) This apple taste like coochie berries!

(2) Liliane smelled like a coochie berry today.

(3) Ryan acts like such a coochie berry!

by December 19, 2022

In berry

When a woman is pregnant

Did you hear that Karen is in berry? Might explain the mood swings

by Peterbaitmate June 6, 2022

Berry (Sasha) Johnson

Berry Johnson AKA "Sasha" is a part of the Johnson family containing Marie Johnson, Brayden Johnson, and Oliver Johnson. Berry was born on March 1st, lives in Minnesota, and used to go by the name "Trump Harmy" and "FinchBerry" In her earlier days, "Trump Harmy" Used to go with a political joke of the two presidents Biden and Trump. This joke was made with a friend/real family member that Berry used to talk too on the daily that went by the name Nitro, but later this friendship died after a war broke out with the people that used to be a part of the friend group such as the person "Biden Chiwi" AKA known as Nitro. There was also one more person, that went by the name Kata. With Berry's new friend group (Berry, Brayden, Oliver, and Marie) Berry no longer talks to Kata or Nitro. Berry as if of 2023 is happily married to Marie. Berry writes stories of her new friend group and used to write about her old friend group, she's most known for The Titanic Parody that her and Kata wrote a long time ago when they used to talk.

The Titanic Parody was written by Berry (Sasha) Johnson

by shawn-spen-star February 2, 2023

Berry Snack

Were a Person Eats a dingle berry.

Berry Snack

by Calern7 April 23, 2023

Fuckle Berry

A fuckle berry is a person who only fucks the easyist people regardless of gender.

"Hey you see joey around?"
"Yeah that fuckle berry is with kim again.."

by Vladimer putin July 14, 2019

shadow berries

A fruit that is native to the planet Nahfalafagus, they’re used to create the popular Nahfalogian dessert topping Blue Sauce.

Created by Moriah Elizabeth

Moriah: Blue Sauce is made from real Shadow Berries

by Serafina.fool February 26, 2024

Bill Berry

When you’re either constipated, or it’s humid, (or both) and your brow begins to sweat. You accidentally (or intentionally) wipe your brow with used toilet paper. Causing you to instantly grow a unibrow like Bill Berry (Drummer for REM)

Stuart didn’t have enough fiber. He’s currently squeezing one out on the shitter. He’s so daft, he just wiped the sweat off his brow with shit stained toilet tissue. He just morphed into Bill Berry

by Barnacle Brian March 20, 2023