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Lord Have Mercy

When you are overly stressed but don't want to use God's name in vein.

Mom: can you do this, this, this, and that before I come down stairs?

Me: Uhh, Lord have mercy on my soul, I guess so.

by babygirlrhi June 11, 2019

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beat the lord jesus

Rural Irish colloquialism expressing astonishment, disbelief, or even admiration for any random fact.
Variants include "Beat the Holy man" when in polite company, and "Beat the fuck" when amongst friends.

"Johnny down the road turned his tractor over on the road the other night after drinking 14 pints in the local"
"Beat the Lord Jesus!"

"I went to Africa on holiday, and it was 45C every day there"
"Beat the fuck."

by niamh o'toole March 28, 2008

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Lord Tachanka

The worst Rainbow Six Siege operator that is worshiped like a God in the community.

How dare you disgrace our Lord Tachanka!

by The Open Window Maniac January 17, 2018

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Supreme Over Lord

Absolute Godly tyrant who rules over the world

Neel is a supreme over lord of ChirecJMUN

by secgengod October 3, 2018

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hentai lord dank

A guy who basically watches too much Hentai and sends you multiple pictures about it everyday

Guy 1: Bro wtf why are u sending me hentai
Guy 2: im the hentai lord dank

by Use Code Kryoz August 16, 2017

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lord fuck a duck

A creative way of saying holy fuck, what the fuck, the fuck, and basically any sentence that has fuck in it and is used in this manner.

Dude, he's drunk again.

Lord fuck a duck!

by Another Disposable Teen January 29, 2011

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spooky rock lord

One found in Hollywood who is homeless, black, and often violent.

Black Man + P.C.P =spooky rock lord

by Webster Coleman September 30, 2003

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