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Post-Party Depression

The feeling you have after a big party you had been anticipating is over.

On sunday, I was experiencing post-party depression. After planning the big celebration for a month, I was sad when it was over.

by emily mitchell-marell December 3, 2007

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Post-Masturbatorial Urination

The piss most men take directly after masturbating (and orgasming) that hardly ever gets in the bowl, no matter how hard you try. It may splash against the walls, get on your clothing, all over the floor around the toilet, and the toilet seat, but rarely the actual toilet bowl.

Guy1: Dude, I just masturbated
Guy2: Did you take your post-masturbatorial urination yet?
Guy1: Yeah, it was horrible, my boxers are soaked and I spent 5 minutes wiping piss off my wall with toilet paper.

by Anusfist69 December 2, 2008

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Post-Anime Depression

The sinking, sad feeling that one gets after finishing a really good, funny, or original anime. This feeling may also be extended to TV shows, music, books, and video games.

Anime nerd 1: Damn, dude! I just finished Death Note and i can't stop feeling dead inside!

Anime nerd 2: Sounds like a case of Post-Anime Depression to me!

by Nick December June 30, 2011

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Post Pootum Depression

The feeling of loss or emptiness one has after an epic bowel movement. This feeling can be accompanied by separation anxiety mixed with a feeling of euphoria. In most cases, a feeling of "lightness" or "lightening" may be experienced.

The day after eating at that Brazilian steakhouse followed by 2 cups of coffee I suffered from Post Pootum Depression.

Last night I sat staring at the wall, feeling empty, like a big part of me was just flushed away. I think I was suffering from Post Pootum Depression.

by swivet February 5, 2010

Post Novel Depression

The feeling of extreme boredom/anxiety, in the first few days, following the completion of a good book.

Ever since finishing 'Cloud Splitter' by Russel Banks, I just can't seem to shake this Post Novel Depression.

I almost turned the tv on, maybe I have Post Novel Depression?
The doctor prescribed 'Barnes and Nobel' for my Post Novel Depression.

by Lance H. Johnson June 6, 2010

Post-Drinking Poo

a massive shit you do the day after a heavy nights drinking

usually comes around midday
it is excelled from your body at an alarming pace and tends to be as black as death itself

Hal: you were pretty smashed last night mate, how are you?
Josh: im not too bad, just had a right painful post-drinking poo though

by joshinho April 7, 2010

Post-Coitus Mortis

The phase after climax in intercourse where a person becomes completely incapacitated after coitus.

"Hey babe, can you go make some coffee?"
"Can't. I have Post-Coitus Mortis."

by Coffeepot666 November 18, 2021