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A Synonym or Term Used for tall Women. Usually used when you have Beef with the person.

I can’t believe That Rag had the nerve to text my man.

by ANNMOOSUY October 7, 2020


Fat nigga mexican that says he will hack anyone that says fortnite is bad

This nigga is a punk ass rags fr

by Bigman26666ap May 20, 2020


When someone is taking forever they are ragging it

Dude stop ragging and just rip the snap already

by RaggyRags69 April 3, 2018


Other term for yolo but yolo is gay as fuck

So rags,

E.g- boy 1 “you want a toke of this blem

Boy 2 “rags” takes Weed

by Phat chungus December 10, 2021


A piece of clothing that is not fashionable, outdated

Jojo wore rags to his prom

by KayMols May 2, 2018


R.A.G- stands for Rough As Guts. Rough as Guts is an Australian term for a rough bogan.

My neighbour is RAG as he swears all the time, throws things and is always drunk.

by TrueBlue Aussie December 27, 2022


A sexy doggo of youtube gaming with a big ass dick

rags has a large penis

by III\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\C June 9, 2018