Source Code

Jack the retard

Jack the Retard is well.... a retard most obvioulsy. Also he is the only retard to get a job; he is a star wars producer working under john lucas
Good for Jack the Retard

there goes jack the retard; the only retard to get a job

by Patty December 13, 2004

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Wicked Retarded

The way out-ah-townahs say wicked retahded. Used by people who try to sound like theyah from Boston, but really aren't

Out-ah-townah: that ump's call was wicked retarded

Me: Yoah from fahking Pennsylvanier, why the fahk ah you sayin that? It's pronounced wicked retahded

by Bahstonian January 21, 2011

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Retarded Strength

1. Possesing an abnormally amount of strength given a small size.
2. Being as strong as a mentally retarded person, even though they are not mentally retarded.
3. Mentally retarded people are abnormally strong, so don't mess with them

1. I can't believe little Billy was able to lift up that piano all by himself, he must have retarded strength.

2. I was'nt able to stop Billy from kicking my ass because of his retareded strength.

3. Billy's mother does'nt keep a jack in the car, because Billy has Down's Syndrome. He has enough retarded strength to lift it up so she can change the tire.

by Ba Fangoo November 23, 2009

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Fucking retarded

A state of being in which one lacks basic knowledge and, or, common sense.

Hey man, your being Fucking retarded

by BallsMcGee123 April 12, 2017

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retarded antelope

The antelope that just seems to do everything wrong ona wildlife show, and gets eaten as a result.

And here, we find the "retarded antelope", species dumbassus antelopus, which is about to have his ass handed to him by a lion.

by Gumba Gumba March 16, 2004

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Retarded llama

is a vague insult much like the word smeg and much like smeg it cant be used as an exclamation and it can really get under somones cock

God damn fucking Retarded llama!! i fucked up again

by pete's dark mind January 3, 2005

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retarded bomb

1) (n) An unguided bomb fitted with vanes at the aft end to retard (slow) its rate of descent. Designed to be dropped from low altitudes, the vanes (air brakes) allow the delivery aircraft to egress without being struck by fragments from it's own ordnance upon detonation.

2) (v) Leaving an unsavory traveling companion someplace other than your intended destination.

3) (n) A poorly told, or otherwise untenable, joke which, once told, lays there like an unexploded bomb while the jokester prays someone can come along to defuse the situation.

1) The F4U screamed across the treetops and dropped a stick of retarded bombs on the SAM site, much to the SAM crew's displeasure.

2) "Larry was whining again so I retarded bombed the bus stop on my way here."

3) Joker: "... and the guy says 'that's not my dog.'"
Crickets: "chirp"
Joker: "Tough crowd."

by Chumbucket October 25, 2006

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