Source Code

Frontiers Status

Often used as an interjection during a sexually explicit or inappropriate video or image to Sonic from Sonic Frontiers beating the shit out of the Titans (The Titans being Giganto, Wyvern, Knight, and Supreme). Accompanied by either
"Undefeatable", "Break Through It All", "Find Your Flame", or "I'm Here."

Usually Frontiers Status can't or shouldn't be used in a sentence.

by Praise The Lord Paddington May 29, 2024

Statue of Delivery

What children hear the very first time you introduce them to the Statue of Liberty, mainly because they've never heard the word "liberty" before but know good things come from a FedEx delivery.

Mom: "What did you learn at school today, Sweetheart?"
Kindergardner: "George Washington, the American flag and The Statue of Delivery."

by Princess Butterfly June 29, 2017

Status Number

The number of dicks one has sucked in the last 3 months divided by 4

My status number is 3.25( has sucked 13 dicks in the last 3 months)

by King Co July 7, 2021

Monkey Status

minkey status

im not even in monkey status

by bdm.smile April 11, 2022

tard status

-a describing words for someone who does something incredibly stupid or looks ridiculous or dumb.

'Oh my god, that outfit is tard status'

by bananananamana. October 22, 2007

Status Girl

Term created by rapper Status Boy Shawn.

A Status girl is a beautiful independent woman that has your back through anything and will always be honest with you.

They are very rare and very hard to find but if you do find one keep her because their the realest females you’ll ever meet in your life.

“Bro this girl been nothing but loyal to me and showed love to me she gotta be a Status girl”.

by -anonymous 23 September 3, 2019

Status Girl

A beautiful independent woman that has your back through anything and will always be honest with you.

They are very rare and very hard to find but if you do find one keep her because their the realest females you’ll ever meet in your life.

Term created by rapper Status Boy Shawn.

“Bro this girl been nothing but loyal to me and showed love to me she gotta be a Status girl”.

by -anonymous 23 September 3, 2019