Um... That you're an angry old dwarf that wasted his entire life trying to do what I DID in like 15 minutes.
Hym "What's so fucking funny is that YOU'RE ONLY SUCCESSFUL... Because there's an ARMY OF RETARDS... Preventing people from being successful... But only because THEY CAN'T BE SUCCESSFUL... That's the funny. It goes against their 'MiNdSeT' or something for things to be easy."
Used to describe somthing quite comical. Very Funny.
John: YO dawg that comic was Retarded Funny!
Joe: Nah dawg, but you's retarded fo usin that phrase
John: OUCH!
An old timer saying... especially in the south, meaning a person with cute eyes. Such as blue, hazel, green. Any color besides the normal brown and black eyes.
That guy with the funny eyes has been trying to holla at me all night!
When the amogus fartnite cringeserver and chungus farage moment with extra family guy sauce ( haha more like sus)
You're really a Fortnite Funny Moment
"Ayo pass da funny flour"
"Bitch you high as a kite dis is brown sugar"
A very unfunny saying used whenever something is hilarious
Did you guys see Max slip and crack his head open. It was butt funny.
When something is mad funny da ocky way;
Did you guys see Max slip and crack his head open? That shit was butt funny yo.