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Sticky Ghost

Forgetting you nutted on bed sheets so they stick to unsuspecting victim as they get off the bed

Dylan’s sheets stuck to his mom’s jewelry as his marathon masturbation session turned a family laundry day into a sticky ghost outing for his angry mom.

by eric_h November 12, 2022

Ghost Line

A ghost line is when you rack up all the residual cocaine on a plate or surface essentially making a line out of nowhere (hence ghost)

Person: Ey, there so much powder left on this I'm make a ghost line

by E-Bliss October 31, 2020

Ghost Floor

When the elevator doors open and no one (you can see) gets in or out. This occurs when a being existing outside our physical world needs to go somewhere and is too lazy to take the stairs.

"..... did you hit 6?"

"No. Must be a ghost floor."

by RockDeputy February 4, 2009

Arse Ghost

A fart. (Usually a very unholy one.)

After a Big Mac, he exorcised an Arse Ghost.

by The Centaur September 1, 2010

Ghost Bail

When you are dancing with your friends in a club and suddenly a group of them leave unnoticed and go home without warning.

Person 1: Where has Ella gone?

Person 2: I think she has ghost bailed
Person 1: But she was just here!

by Big Aaz March 4, 2016

beef ghost

The fart released after consuming way to much beef the night before. These typically are followed by a "beef corpse".

"Cack! What's with the fucking beef ghost? Why didn't you tell me you were hitting up the Korean BBQ joint?"

by bikeduke4 March 1, 2014

ghost vibes

Ghost Vibes is difficult to explain because it's a feeling. The term originates from a friend group in Uncle Fatih's pizza joint off Granville Street in Vancouver. Cue spooky music inside and a man sitting alone falling asleep like a shell of a human in his chair. One friend tries to see if this drunk mans is okay but he was basically mute. The girls look at each other and one says "ghost vibes." The term now lives on to describe ~chaos~, but you gotta experience it to understand.

Think extreme chaotic energy/things are weird AF/ people are unwell/ nothing makes sense/it's ~spooky~ but not in a horror movie kind of way.. but also kind of. Like something that gives you such wack vibes it seems lowkey paranormal but you also know it's not . As u can tell, very hard to explain. Can also be used in the format of "a ghost vibe" for a singular vibe.

"Omg last night was suuuuch ghost vibes"

by okayiseriouslydon'tcare August 11, 2020