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Indian God with Curry

he's a really short guy. he's funny but he's bad at basketball and thinks he's better than kawhi leonard.

Person 1: when do you think we should tell Indian God with Curry he's bad at basketball?
Person 2: Idk man

by Iam_Married_Sodont June 6, 2019

Indian alliance

when one women is surrounded by a group of five or more men profusely ejaculating into her mouth

this bitch wouldn't shut up so we gave her our famous Indian alliance

by sir. Cumalot February 13, 2023

indian ridge country club

A country club located in Andover Massachusetts where rich preppy kids in American flag bathing suits with Louis Vuitton towels order thousands of dollars worth of itilian ice from their parent's accounts

"Mom! I am late for golf. MOM! TAKE ME TO INDIAN RIDGE BITCH" Indian ridge country club.

by Rebeccaaaaaaaaaa September 12, 2017

Touch Hole Deep to a 9ft Indian

When something is very deep. Usually in reference to the depth of snow. Or the depth being equivalent to the distance from the ground to a 9 foot Indian's butthole.

The snow was touch hole deep to a 9ft Indian.

by AKD527!! June 10, 2024

Touch Hole Deep to a 9ft Indian

When something is very deep, usually in reference to snow. Or the depth equivalent to the distance from the ground to a 9 foot Indian's butthole.

The snow was touch hole deep to a 9ft Indian.

by AKD527!! June 10, 2024

Drake is indian🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳

Drake is Indian!” -Kanye East

lil mosey is green drake is Indian Ig I shidded in my pants I killed George floyd I have diabetes sussy boys joe balls bakonator. Drake is indian🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳

by Sussybakaballslilmoseyisgreen August 1, 2021


Giving something away, then expecting it back.

The native americans , treaties say theyre a sovereign people reserved to themselves on the land allocated for them and agreed apon. In turn they get benefits, they coined the term , because they expect to fo against aaid treaties, and act as tho they aren't foreigners on u.s soil, they are indian-givers because they shouldnt be allowed to own property on u.s soil do to the fact they traded it for their own sovereign land within our borders, yet they still demand assistance programs, and go against our laws, which is potentially a act of war.

by 44 angel - Demon 44 August 16, 2023