Synonym for thief. Said to refer specifically to a petty theif but all theft is petty, so go ahead and edit that out of the definition.
The Mandela effect is Secret Santa.
Christmas is an annual christian celebration of Christ's birth on the 25th of December!
Secret Santa is a event that is held at Christmas. It will need 3 or more people. Each player will receive another players name. Then a player will have to purchase/give something for the player they've been given before the 25th of December! That player has the choice to choose anything for the player they was given.
Player 1 received a lump of coal off player 5 this year for Secret Santa.
A brand of salsa that has an anthropomorphic cactus.
Position Santa Fe Packing Company Salsa and Con Queso as the authentic salsa of the southwest that serves as the perfect ingredient for a variety of menu items, not just a dipping sauce. Leverage the spoke-charachter, Spike, in all marketing and communication messages.
When you somehow manage to do this, you know that shit was crazy. When you puke all over a rooftop from intoxication. This a diffucult achievement because you know you aint coming down from that roof
"Yeah, that party was so nuts I santa specialed that whole roof"
When a billionaire spends too long in the K-hole
Wow, when that rocket guy finally made it back, he looked like an Ozempic Santa Claus
When a male ejaculates onto a someones (usually lovers) face and allows it to dry up, thus forming a greyed beard like santa.
Woman - "I let david give me a salty santa last christmas"
A negative state of mind best illustrated by the character of Winthorpe in the film 'Trading Places' when he gatecrashes the Duke and Duke Xmas party dressed as Santa, before drunkenly trying to eat a stolen salmon along with half his Santa beard on the bus.
Come along Dearest Sebastian, no more Mojitos for you. You know how you get all 'Salmon-beard-Santa' after too many cocktails.