An salty as fuck person that is anoying to have long conversations with because he thinks he is better then you at everything even and tries to make an argument out of everyone
sean the indian you are an ass.
Sean Taylor is the act of lowballing for something with great value, informing them that it's not worth much, then re-selling for 10x the value.
Mike: Bro I just Sean Taylor'd my friend for the GT Venom
John: Oh shit really? How much did you offer?
Mike: $20, I convinced him it wasn't worth much.
John: Nice! How much are you gonna sell it for?
Mike: I think $2,000 is fair :)
Who's making you cry? Oh, it's Bruce, Ant, and Sean.
Sean and Shawn are one and the same name I'm gonna say it Sean and Shawn are one and the same name
Sean and Shawn are one and the same name
A word to describe a person who is retarded and slow as fuck
Yo Shaylee is fucking Sean Spivak
A kindergartener sized human who has tendencies to be over competitive. He plays games like La Hucha but never wins. He also has a poor sense of style; he wears plaid shirts every single day.
Its just a game! Don't act like a Sean Bell.