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matt charnley

The sexiest person known to man. everyone bows down to him as he walks past. he is just that sexy.

Matt Charnley is so dam hot

by Shrek inator February 23, 2016

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Matt IndaHat

Any one person that is just a bitch when it comes to everything. This person will pussy out on the littlest things... well basically anything for that matter.

A: Alright guys, I'm gonna go. I'll just meet you back there.
B: What?! You're such a Matt IndaHat!

A: Yo, when he came in the room, I almost fainted...
B: HAHA! What a Matt IndaHat!

by The Entourage March 24, 2007

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matt buckingham

An utter goat

Brandon: Your racist
Ms Williamson: Stop saying that
Brandon: You goat matt
Matt Buckingham: *dem lols*

by HelloMrBrandon November 11, 2013

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Matt Mannerisms

When you do something relatable that you think Matt would do.

Dave: I have a class in 10 minutes about social studies, im gonna sleep through it.
Jasiah: That's what i call, Matt Mannerisms.

by Probably_Matt March 22, 2021

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matt bernardi

Matt Bernardi is someone with an absolutely massive cock. He is a full sender and watches Steve will do it. He doesn’t give a fuck about his grades and likes smoking weed and eating pizza. He also likes Football and Gronk.

β€œI heard that kid Matt Bernardi has a hugeeee peen. He’s definitely going D1.”

by Big daddy Matt May 13, 2020

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A Matt Cooper

The act of pretending to hate your twin brother when in reality you're actually in love with him

Person 1: I hate him

Person 2: you're doing such a matt cooper right now

by SweetNips69 March 8, 2017

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Matt bottom

Matt bottom:
A Matt bottom is someone who claims he is curious about the female anatomy when all he really wants is nudes. You know you're talking to a matt bottom when he's always active on Facebook, is three years behind on social media and if you went to nandos he would get one fino side of creamy mash and offer to pay on his loyalty card. A Matt bottom thinks dirty talking sounds like:

'What length Pyjamas do you where'

'How soft are you're lips'
'What do you like about me'

A Matt bottom is desperate to lose his virginty, and claims his favourite game is truth or dare when everyone knows it's mind craft. You can physically identify a Matt bottom by seeing if he's wearing a football top, matching shoes and spikey hair

A Matt bottom will be a 17 year old lad kicking a ball around the park and chatting up any girl in sight.

This full kit wanker is someone to keep clear of.

Luke:' Jenny stay clear of that kid, he's a Matt bottom'

Jenny:'put your football away Luke it takes a Matt bottom to know a Matt bottom'

Luke:' look at that eighteen year old kid in the park, that's defo a Matt bottom'

by Cheekynandos May 13, 2015

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