A big wide turn, usually when you almost miss the turn, you turn like a hardass.
“Next turn ahead, bruh”
“So have you seen any-“
“Lmao big chinamen turn”
When new staff members leave before they get a chance to train their replacements. This is frequently the result of a high frequency of changes in staff personnel in a short time. (Coined by Will Dwyer)
The amount of turn overlap at our company left our employees without a coherent philosophy to guid our company.
Something only talented riders know how to do, used to turn around on a dime, or just showing off.
Aight bye jimmy ima going to go do pivot turns
Jimmy: I don’t know what that is
Me: its a useful maneuver to re position your front tire in a pinch, you ride motocross you wouldn’t understand
When you see a shmere nigga or when smhere come in like dee
Chonge"damnn shmere i see you!" deer:"tUrn ME UP SHMERE"
When you see shmere go crazy or when shmere came in like dee
*girl twerks on shmere
Downplaying being sexually cheated on in a relationship or marriage
So, you "missed a turn"! Big deal...
There was parking on the other side of the street so I pulled a quick dirty u-turn