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Sunnyslope High School

Degenerate whore breeding grounds for people whip and naynay.

"Hey Pollo what's a Sunnyslope High School?"

"Teehee silly you're being racist"

by avatar the last transgender October 21, 2015

Glencoe High school

a school filled with fags that don’t know what 1 plus 1 is so they just sell weed to make money cuz they know managers won’t higher their dumbass. glencoe is also filled with stupid whores that cheat on their man in like 0.827 seconds which is honestly not rly surprising cuz it’s glencoe. glencoe and hilhi is the most lgbt high schools of da year so ya don’t even send yo kids to that crack head school.

kid 1: aye bru look at that kid smoking hella weed
kid 2: ik he’s prob from Glencoe High school

by omar's mom January 26, 2020

Amory high school

Druggies and musty people

Random person: “Yuck! Something smells”
Other person: “yeah those kids must go to Amory high school ”

by Super spy 🤫 June 3, 2021


Getting high off of all three ways of smoking:

Last night, bro, I had the high-fecta! Put me to sleep, boss (as usual).

by Gurry February 5, 2019

High-Speed Rail

The topic of my debate. Kinda fast. Kinda slim. Kinda bad. Kinda good.

Kinda.....he looked kinda hot, standing there against the rails, sleek and humming with that positive electricity, thrumming like a heartbeat. I was flying fast above, I knew we’d meet again....but when? So far above him, he so far below me....but we were both made of that same steel. A plane and a train....two different worlds....so far apart....but I knew fate had us together from when I first saw him.

-to be continued.....

“What the hell is a high-speed rail?”

“A train that go whee.”
“Really? You have any fanfiction about it?”

“So there’s this thing called Urban Dictionary-

by High speed > Low Speed October 22, 2022

High Speed Rail

When an Asian couple are having sex so fast, that they are a blur to observers. There's lots of heat involved, so lubrication is critical. Note: they may be louder than typical.

Woah buddy, that Asian couple at the orgy was really getting the high speed rail going. I hope they used a lot of lube.

Yeah but the sound... wow!

by msvxt December 4, 2023

Robert Goddard high school

Group of kids that are mad VALID!!!!💯 yall know not to play wit us

Yo u go to Robert Goddard high school

Yeah I go to Robert Goddard high school wo

by October 14, 2021