High School. High School is where you wast 4 years of your life learning something that you might not even need in life
Person 1: Hey did you go to High School?
Person 2: yeah, it fucking sucked ass
A place that breeds hormones, negativity and a sense of numb.
A: I like high school.
B: LMAO why?
middle school on hard mode plus a declining mental health
high school is NOT swagalicious
Contrary to my previous definition of high school, it is hell!
I've changed my mind, high school is hell
fucking annoying place, wish i could bomb and terrorize it
kid: i hate 3rd grade!!!!
teenager: suit yourself for 6th grade, aka high school bro
person: oh i god i gotta go to high school
person again: dang thats pretty cringe
Place, where you go between 13/14 and 18 year old. Full of hate, shitty comments about your look, style, music taste, sexual orientation, family and etc. No one really want to go there but it's not your choice.
"Where are you"?
"High school."
"Oh, dear, I wish God help you."