To do like a dog does when it has worms or an itchy arse. To literally place ones 'knock hole' on a surface and orientate 180 degrees in one direction and then the other.
"Sorry mate, I may have arse swiveled on your pillow...."
The name given to someone who sucks the farts out of other people’s arse to gain friends, or acting the victim in every situation to stop from said shepherds to still love their sheep
J: “I am the victim, S and L, I just wanted some friends! I am shit at fortnite, please be my friends although we have nothing in common and I am a solid 4 kiss-arse whereas you are 10’s!”
S: “ok”
L: “ok”
Someone with a fat arse, likely the result of poor dietary choices such as eating a shit Tonne of pies!
Look at that baldy PIE ARSE over there!
When someone has a parcel arse it means it’s either lumpy or like a parcel
Hew looka that lass with tha parcel arse
When one has been playing Call Of Duty for so long their arse can not move from the seat.
Brad: Oh Matt, last night I couldn't move because I had a serious case of Arse COD