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A blue ball circle jerk

This is a term used when you and 9 other men and women come together and jerk it in front of their children in order to educate them on the power of master bating. They then finish on their children with their fluids. The children will then sleep in these fluids to further grow their knowledge.

Sam: Hey John! Wanna have a blue ball circle jerk?

John: YES!!

Sam: Come on down kids!

by TheKnowledgeFullPerson September 15, 2024

A blue ball circle jerk

This is a term used when you and 9 other men and women come together and jerk it in front of their children in order to educate them on the power of master bating. They then finish on their children with their fluids. The children will then sleep in these fluids to further grow their knowledge.

Sam: Hey John! Wanna have a blue ball circle jerk?

John: YES!!

Sam: Come on down kids!

by TheKnowledgeFullPerson September 15, 2024

circle warrior

It means you fight in the circle like a true warrior and shake ass unmatched and catch it unmatched too

she was shaking ass like a true circle warrior

by circlewarrior101 October 9, 2022

Social Circle Jerk

When you do something that's 'gram-worthy, and then you spend the rest of your evening liking every reply, and replying to every reply, and liking and replying to every reply to your reply, ad nauseum.

I posted a great pic of my best beach bod. And now I've spent the last 6 hours doing the social circle jerk. How great llfe is!

by mckwistonator July 27, 2022

circle jerk of biblical proportions

When project management goes any direction other than the intended.

E.g. 16 expensive consultant engineers discussing where to put the "Hazardous Materials" label on Little Boy.

Engineer 12#: "I think we should put it at the top since this is the first thing the enemy sees."
Paying stakeholder: "This is a circle jerk of biblical proportions"

by swaglord_mcmuffin August 21, 2024

smoking circle

A circle formed by humans for social purposes while smoking either ciggerettes and or weed/drugs.

weed smoking yolo swag social smoking circle

by Good for you. November 8, 2013

Circle Yurt

When a group of friends start a commune to write an song or album.

Hey guys we need to have a circle yurt for our new album.

by Bluewraeth October 19, 2021