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full of the dickens

to be full of the mf dickens, to have the spirit of a raging Charles Dickens through your blood stream

i've been cooped up in this dark room all day i just need to get out and release some serious energy. i'm "full of the dickens!"

by katrinagoldfinch February 12, 2011

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A term used to describe any type of Women's underwear that fully cover the butt.

Synonym "granny panties"

I can always tell it's time to do laundry when all I have left to wear are my full-backs

by Coolcandy September 12, 2014

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Full Roast

An overly hairy, unkempt female pubic region.

Michael- "check her out, she's pretty hot"
Ian- "yea but bet she has a full roast"
Michael- "what's that?"
Ian- "her own personal Sherwood Forest"

by El-Barto14 June 9, 2010

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Full Send

The act of taking twice as much medication as is necessary. Also know as taking twice as much as a Half Send.

Shay: β€œBro, I wanna go dancing, but I need a boost.”
Leopard: β€œFull Send it then. You’ll be fine!”

by Bad Walter September 24, 2019

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Full of Nothing

A term to state that someone your attempting to communicate with is speaking nonsense/bullshit.

The sentences you've been hearing from someone is empty and meaningless in relation to a subject or general taboo talk .

You sir are full of nothing in your exclaimations towards your degrading film critque of the classic, "Psycho".

Cease yourself from your full of nothing significant to say rambles of yourself and your daily hackneyed life routine.

by SquirrelPower July 31, 2008

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Full of air

The person is Full of shit, or they talk much.

The speaker tonight was full of air, or Trump.

by OGDarkwolf February 25, 2017

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Full hot

Completely pissed off, very angry, fed up.

I'm tired of this bullshit, I'm full hot.

by Taytay Johnson September 2, 2012

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