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The Ass Game

A game simply played whenever one party uses the word "ass" in conjunction with another adjective and the second party upsets the first party's statement's initial intent by changing the association of the word "ass." Mostly the game is played by relocating the emphasis and hyphen in the sentence.

Person not playing The Ass Game: Check out my sweet-ass bong!
Person playing The Ass Game: That is a pretty sweet ass-bong.

by maysueh January 10, 2009

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Toe Game

When a female is showing off her perfect little feet that are painted perfectly and usually accompanied by sandals or a open toed high heel.

Hey have you seen the Toe Game on Caitlin? God i want to put them toes in my mouth!

by Scott4rmlv November 16, 2009

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slap game

A game where two or more participants take turns slapping other participants on the forearm near the inner crease of the elbow. The object of the slap game is to be the "last person standing". Often played by sadomasochists whilst under the influence of various types of cheap liquor.

A typical round goes something like this: Person A is the person delivering the slap, whilst Person B is the one receiving. Both participants stand facing each other. Person A holds Person B's arm at the inside of the wrist, extended toward them. Person B mentally prepares for imminent pain. Person A slaps Person B closed-palmed as hard as they are able to. Immediately afterward, Person A and Person B swap roles and the process is repeated.

Last night I got drunk with my friends and played eight rounds of the slap game. Now my arm makes it look like I'm a junkie.

by forbo October 8, 2013

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aaa game

A video game that has had lots of work and often has a long deep story and is normally sold for ยฃ40 and above

I really need to buy a aaa game (triple A game) soon because all mine are really bad

by O_Powerfull_Ogg September 8, 2019

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gaming disorder

An addiction to video games. A new mental health condition which is now in the International Classification of Diseases. Basically if you have an addiction to something than it's a disorder. Weeb? JAPANESE WEEB DISORDER. Like porn? PORN DISORDER. And it goes on.

"Oh my god, Dylan. Get off the Xbox! You've been on for 6 hours and I think you have the new gaming disorder!" exclaimed Mom.
"Gosh, have you heard of that new gaming disorder thing?" one mom said. "Yeah, it's pretty strange. We should probably limit our child's playtime even more." replied the vice-president of The Mom's Club.

by saltyboiwholivesinthesaltysea December 27, 2017

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roll game

a person's blunt-rolling ability.

"ay yo gimme that swisher, i'm rollin this one"
"chill b my roll game is nice"

by P Doon May 21, 2008

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Video Games

Invented so that teenage boys would have something else to do rather than masturbate all day.

Jake masturbates less because of video games but he still spends his time masturbating for two times longer then the amount of time playing on his xbox.

by OrnluTheWolf March 28, 2011

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