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1.) happy (older definition.)

2.) a homosexual individual

3.) a name that can be used in a very negative connotation, followed by any other profanities. (I will NEVER stand by anyone who genuinely uses that against any other homosexual individuals!)

1.) look at how happy that individual is!

2.) an individual that a romantic or sexual interest in their same gender.

3.) just the word faggot, or any variations!


by changinglateralexandria April 5, 2018

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penis lover

i am a gay penis lover

by TrainerRed February 9, 2017

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When a person is happy...

Jovan is gay he’s happy when he speaks about penis

by Jacob Welles’s October 27, 2020

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Gay can also mean that something is extremely cheesy

For example; that film was so gay

by Unknown193720284729372927 March 23, 2016

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you are gay

by tOeChEeEeEeEeEeESe January 12, 2022

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Logan Paul

Hej Linus, Logan Γ€r gay

by Filiepfiepj May 8, 2018

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me, and i guess, if you're looking this up, you

oh my god, are you...?

duh. are you?

yes of course i'm gay, i looked this up

by thegayurbandictionary June 21, 2021

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