A programming slang for a .json file format. It is frequently pronounced as "dot jay-sun", instead of "dot jay ess oh en". Sort of like how some maniacs pronounce GIF as "gee eye eff".
I put the data in a dot jason file.
word to decribe a funny happening
Trites: you're dumb
Bryan: That was jasonics
The most amazing, Fun loving boyfriend there is. He will always put a smile on your face! He has a really funny name too! Lol Baldi.
Please let this get through he is having a hard night :) I love Jason Baldi
A cool guy who needs to stop making suicidal jokes and get together with his girlfriend already
"Wow Finnick Jason Taylor is an amazing dude- NOT A KNOW IT ALL"
get killed in a brutal way as jason todd (batman’s second robin) was
joker in the arkham knight game: now it seems you’re struggling with the subtext, bats, so let me spell it out: lock yourself up and tim drake will be 'jason todd-ed’
The use of irrational thought to one emotionally break a person while making a harming joke
Your mother was Jasonness
Jason yau is a femboy twink who loves men
I Jason yau am a submissive and breedable femboy twink