Maddie and Santi are one of the best couples you will meet. There both tall and popular, Santi acts childish and likes dancing, Maddie acts like a mom she is protective about him . Santi makes her smile they're mean to each other to be funny and they have the same friends. Santi likes Baseball Basketball and Foot ball. Maddie likes to watch him do those things with her friends. They both make a perfect couple.
Random Guy: Hey its Maddie and Santi!!!
Random Girl: They're a perfect couple..
Maddie Stewart is a really cool Swaggy person. She has a friend who is crazy named LILLY FORBES! That’s all I can think of
Maddie Stewart is so swaggy.
The most amazing and beautiful girl in the world. She is above all others and just perfect. She is so loved by her boyfriend. Maddie deserves only the best <3
Maddie Rub
Looking like a whole damn snack, friendly, and loyal. That one friend that will always be there for you and will let you vent to them anytime. Was in fact a mistake but isn’t too much of a disappointment.
This is Maddy :P, she built like a baked bean.
Maddie Gee is a genus of spiders in the family Theridiidae, most of which are commonly known as widow spiders. The genus contains 31 recognized species2 distributed worldwide, including the North American black widows (L. mactans, L. hesperus, and L. variolus), the button spiders of Africa, and the Australian redback spider. Species vary widely in size. In most cases, the females are dark-coloured and readily identifiable by reddish markings on the abdomen, which are often (but not always) hourglass-shaped.
My heart skipped a beat as I turned and saw a Maddie Gee slowly crawling across the ceiling of my bedroom; the beast ignited an unfathomable fear in me that still haunts me to this day.
the dumbest bitch you’ll ever meet. she is sweet and very talkative with a lot on her mind. she is a blonde, blue eyed cutie and nobody can ever take their eyes off her. she can’t see herself the way everyone else sees her though.. she has no confidence and is very sad at random parts of the day.
sam: have you met maddi durrance??
max: yes !! she’s awesome !!
a friend who has always been here for me and always will.
my lifelong bestie❤️
maddie edlin is the coolest person ever