When someone wants to make a dirty joke but doesn't say it and leaves it to the listeners imagination.
Arisa: *Eats a hotdog*
Reg: "I could make a joke right now."
Another word for a friendly ghost - the departed soul of someone you lived with and loved very dearly
"I so, so wish I had a hotline to my now-angel, so as to ask her where the hell she put that thing before she died two years ago. So frustrating, because it used to live in one place only, but it's not there now!"
That is a wizard doing itdoodle mc noodle you arms are now noodles
An interjection said when someone makes an incorrect point and you prove them wrong on the spot, or when you beat somebody who was so full of themselves they were sure they were gonna beat you.
A: I know you were crying earlier! You were holding a tissue to your face! I'm not stupid!
B: Actually, I have a cold. I was blowing my nose. You are stupid. What now burn!
C: I'm going to crush you in football today.
D: We won. By twenty points. What now burn!
Taken from a monologue from the streamer LowTierGod, who is telling some of his viewers that they are useless and they should kill themselves. This phrase is often combined with emojis and imagery of heavy storm and lightning. It holds the same usage as "Kill yourself".
Furries, do it NOW!
You should kill yourself, NOW!
some thing that piss me off
That's all there is for now.
just do it now