Source Code

Dutch Oven

To receive a Dutch Oven is when a hooker from Amsterdam poops in your mouth after they had a bowl of chipotle with chicken and beans.

The hookie finally ate chipotle and pulled a dutch oven on me last night. The best night I've ever had!

by mouthshithooker April 22, 2020

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Dutch fiddler

When two or men engaged in a sexual activity that involves a guy gripping his own penis and the partner takes the other mans arm and moves it in a masterbating motion.

Me and rob were doing the dutch fiddler last night when my mom walked in on us. I had my own dick and he was moving my arm so fast it was amazing.

by heybabeswazzup November 25, 2010

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dutch stranger

A dutch stranger is when you combine a stranger and a dutch rudder. sit on your hand till it goes numb and have someone give you a dutch rudder.

the dutch stranger my girlfriend gave me last night was awesome.

by skateanddestroy July 14, 2010

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Dutch Governor

The individual who governs and or performs a dutch oven (fart under covers and hold blanket over head) on any individual including themselves.

As the dutch governor I command you to smell this fart under the blanket until I release you.

by Del Mar Dante January 11, 2012

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dutch almond

This is when any individual extracts gas from the anus region and proceeds to trap the victim under a blanket and/or sheet, resulting in suffocation of the victim.


by Dutch Almond November 27, 2015

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The Dutch Foot

Trust me, you know what the Dutch Foot is.

Example 1.
Guy 1: Man, my girlfiend is so mad at me. What do I do?
Guy 2: Just give her the Dutch Foot and she'll never be mad again.
Guy 1: Of course, what was I thinking?

Example 2.
Guy 1: I like to soak my Dutch Foot in warm water for about 5 minutes before I use it.
Guy 2: I usually refrigerate my Dutch Foot before use.

Example 3.
Wow, my girlfiend really knows how to handle the Dutch Foot. She put it in her ear last night... Mindblowing.

by The Dutchfootinator. December 12, 2012

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Dutch handshake

When a woman places one rubber hand with the elbowpart into her vagina, untill only the flat hand is sticking out of her birthchannel. Then the man tries to shake the flat hand on a firm manner, giving the slotanimal a pleasant and rough sensation in her slot.

Lindsay asked Bob to introduce himself to her. Then he gave her a Dutch handshake, which led to a juicy zenith.

by Bitterballo June 28, 2014

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