A phrase used to invalidate an older person's opinion
"kArEn iS a SlUr"
- "ok boomer"
Boomer or “baby boomer” Is often described as someone who was born in 146-1964. Now it is used as an insult to someone who is a normie and knows nothing meme wise
Son: dad school sucks I don’t want to go tomorrow
Dad: when I was your age
Son: ok boomer
1👍 1👎
A way of humouring old people without humouring them, much like "Ok Granddad", but with the added context of "Your opinion is vile, but I appreciate it can't be changed. Soon you will die, and there will be one less person in the world with that view point. And the world will be better for it."
Baby Boomer (while having free education and a society that allowed mobility) : Your Generation just doesn't know how to work hard. No-one gave me a hand out!
Millenial : Ok Boomer.
Ok Boomer is a term used to define people who were born in between the years 1944-1964, which is the year of the baby boom, hence the term “boomer”. Ok Boomer is when one of them says something like “Back in my day...” or “We used to...” and a person just says it for fun or if they’re mad. Most commonly used in school in front of old teachers.
Teacher 1: Back in my day, when I was 16, these were the most popular songs! *Plays a song from 1960*.
Class: *In unison* Ok Boomer
an insult to the baby boomer generation
boomer: you kids and your cellphones
gen-z/millennial: ok boomer
boomer:how dare you
When used as an argument against anyone other than an actual boomer, it means "I'm wrong and must stfu" in Retardese
xxx: it’s not hard to be part of the armed forces
>Inb4 super high tech bullshit
Cut the shit, it’s made to be used to by literal retards in combat, now way they aren’t built to be easily trainable as again, it’s the military
yyy: never have i once mentioned high tech shit but ok boomer
When an old motherfucker offends the fuck outta me at my minimum wage paying job for forgetting their ketchup when they didn't even ask for any in the first place. I'M SORRY I CAN'T READ YOUR MIND JIM
"There're lettuce on my burger when I didn't ask for any.''
"OK boomer, F*ck off"