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Olivia Veide

A sly person
A snake

You dont want to hang around with this person

Olivia veide slagged me off today

by IThinkOliviaVeideIsSly December 13, 2017

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Olivia Rodrigo

A girl who has to have amnesia, because there’s no way anyone would make THIS many songs about one ex.

β€œOlivia Rodrigo just made her 279th song about Joshua Bassett” oh boy

by Cheapsh0tRC December 15, 2022

7πŸ‘ 183πŸ‘Ž

Olivia Dukakis

Olivia dukakis should be used to describe the hottest, of the shorty shorts. This girl should be bangin in all aspects. About only ten girls on earth are truly, DUKOCK. This bitch is baller, gangsta, ghetto, fine, smooth, and real.

Davita: Damn boi, that girl got it goin on, i cant even describe man. Dat bitch is TIGHT!

Jesse: I know fo real, she got that Olivia Dukakis thing goin on, hellz yeah, she balluh.

by Jesse Hilton April 13, 2007

16πŸ‘ 127πŸ‘Ž

Olivia Scott Welch

The prettiest woman alive

Have you seen how hot Olivia Scott Welch was today.

by OliviaWelchLover August 13, 2021

18πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Olivia (Oli) FEMALE

An Oli is a stunning being, who looks good in literally EVERYTHING. BUT don't tell her that. She'll never believe it. She will protect herself, she can defend herself and others. If you have been treated badly, or bullied, Oli will make the offenders call their Mothers. An Oli is a defensive friend. (Who often acts like a mother bear to those she loves) She's not afraid to argue with her family. She believes in her opinion, but she is open to new ideas. An Oli knows how to handle her feelings, and help others with their feelings. A female Oli is also very rare. If you are (or know) a female Oli consider yourself one of the luckiest people on earth. An Oli is extremely hard to come by, and precious, if you know one... you must treat her right. An Oli is known to be sensitive, don't treat her as such... she won't like that... but know you must respect her. AND: that you are unbelievably lucky to know her. Treasure her. You will NEVER find anyone else like her. If you love an Oli tell her. If she doesn't like you, she will let you down with ease, she will still care about you. She values ALL life (and individuals) She knows the importance of a living being. (AND would NEVER meddle with that) If you love an Oli, the chance is she might like you back! Of course she won't admit that, unless you do first... she is modest about her feelings and is easily embarrassed.

Olivia (Oli) FEMALE:

Person: "I don't know what to do... my parents won't listen to me... I just wan't someone to understand me.."

"Hey you should ask that lovely Oli girl, I heard she likes listening and helping people with their feelings.."

"You're right. I'll call her."


Also: if your a friend she will guide you in your decisions, as well as supporting you. She doesn't always feel loved-- so if you let her know your feelings--it'll make her feel better about herself!! If you really love an Oli you will be happy to do this. :)

by I'm making female definitions July 6, 2019

Olivia Neutron Bomb

A nickname for Australian pop singer and actress Olivia Newton John, who rose to fame with various songs around 1974 and 1975, one entitled "Have You Never Been Mellow?" During this time, nuclear armament science heralded a new invention known as the neutron bomb. It was able to disperse devastating concentrations of life-destroying neutron radiation while leaving buildings and structures intact. Men and boys who didn't appreciate the lilting voice of the singer, who later starred in the Hollywood films Xanadu, def. 1 and 5 and Grease were known to call her by this name. Although they may have fantasized shagging the well-scrubbed songbird, never would they admit to enjoying her enchanting dulcet tones. The name is considered belittling by a Xanadude, and subliminally resembles the title of the rock band known as Olivia Tremor Control.

Dennis turned off the radio in disgust and cued up some heavy metal albums. "Not Olivia Neutron Bomb again. Isn't she ever going to shut up?"

by Nick Estes February 15, 2006

60πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Olivia Newton John

Gorgeous Australian singer with the best voice to ever grace the planet. Star of the musical "Grease".

Xanadu, Grease, Xanadude, Physical, Magic

by Jake February 3, 2005

91πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž