Source Code

Split Second Splits

Doing the splits quickly and unexpectedly; without warning

(On the ski slope)

Ragnar: Woa, I hate skis!

Nathan: Now why would you say that?

Ragnar: I just did the split second splits!

by erzebet333 July 25, 2010

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The time it takes for food dropped on the ground to become infected with germs (five seconds). If picked up before this time, the food is fine.

Person A: "Oops, I dropped my chip on the ground."

Person B: "Don't worry, five-second-role."

by aabbccddeeffgghhiijj April 15, 2009

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second-hand 4chan

a 4chan-based meme that is found on an image aggregator and posted on a social networking site

Please don't post a rageguy comic from funnyjunk on my facebook page, that's second-hand 4chan

by Copperbeard November 1, 2010

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2 second pumper

When you have sex
With a girl and you cum after like 3 seconds worth of humping.

My bf is such a "2 second pumper"

by THEword 14 September 29, 2016

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Three Second Walrus

A large, glittery walrus that appears can appear anywhere and at any time, but for three seconds only. It is fond of slaughtering things and consequentially said appearances often end in three second massacres. The three second rule makes no difference to him.

"I narrowly escaped getting killed by the three second walrus!"

by MagnificentRikki November 15, 2012

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Second Dump Syndrome

Not all humans make bowel movements everyday. And on the rare occasion one of those people make two bowel movements with a 24 hour span, Second Dump Syndrome is the worry that goes through said persons head of the possible (but erroneous) deathly diseases he or she THINKS they may have.

Person On the toilet talking on Phone: "O.M. GOD, this is my second dump today, I probably have a new breed of the Mad Bird Flu Cow Positive Disease. I should get checked out."
Person on the other end of Phone: "Relax, dude, its nothing. You just have Second Dump Syndrome"

by Jerk Face Jerk Man January 13, 2011

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Second Floor Porch

The sexual act where a male protagonist is engaging in sexual congress โ€œdoggystyleโ€ and pulls out long enough for the female (or male) recipient to defecate on the phalis.

We were having a great time, with him giving it to me from behind, so I gave him a second floor porch.

by Bill Brewster February 14, 2019

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