Source Code

Text Bubble

The feeling you get after reading the person who you likes name on your phone as they have just text you

I get a text bubble when Janice texts me

by furrylampshade2543 January 5, 2010

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Day texting

Texting that happens during the day. It is naturally not sexual and involves feelings other than sexual arousal. Most day texting conversations include phrases like "how are you today" or "how was work?" With the occasional "let's have lunch." It's normally subsequent hook ups and precedes a relationship.

Tessa: OMG he is totally day texting me!!
Mason: well I guess he wants more than just a hook up.

by Rotolo's March 13, 2014

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rage texting

When you and your ex are having an enraged argument through text message, often leading to phone being thrown by responses

After 20 minutes of rage texting with my ex, I threw my cell phone on the couch and walked away.

by pinkbungadoo April 17, 2014

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Paige Text

The act of sending your friend's ex girlfriend/boyfriend an angry/insulting text in response to the break up that recently occured.

Friend that got dumped: "My girlfriend just broke up with me and she is being a total psycho bitch."

Other Friend: "Do you need me to Paige Text that nigga?"

by Rae_Callaway February 23, 2016

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texted off

to be told off via text message

i got texted off at 0630 this morning, and i bought the minutes! how rude!

by navygirl88 March 4, 2011

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birthday text

Sexting someone on their birthday.

Ala "Birthday Sex".

Jason: "My girl gave me birthday text today..."

Carlos: "Dude... get off the beach and get a life!"
Jason: "I can't help it, I just love my msn messenger!"

by Papi Flow July 20, 2009

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Text Manus

Breaking News Just In

A brand new epidemic of Manus has been discovered to be spreading around the globe via electronic devices such as cellular phones and other portable communication accessories.

The virus takes the form of an e-mail or text (SMS) message, and contains two deadly words: β€œText” and β€œManus” The message may also contain other words as well, trying to disguise its true form, but it still has the same effect no matter how many letters are displayed.

In order to get rid of the Text Manus, (Codenamed TM) you must forward the message in question onto another contact, then delete the original TM as soon as possible. The same rules apply as normal Manus, you are protected once you have passed the TM on, but if it falls into your hands, it has disastrous effects. The only difference between TM and palm-slapping Manus is that there is no way of blocking an incoming transmission

Phone: Beep Beep
User: Hmm, I have a message from an unknown number, let me see what it says

A short while later...


by C Norris May 15, 2006

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