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noun: euphemism for baby.

Dragging your mewling cunt-fruit around the supermarket isn't going to win you any friends.

by TEQWAR October 1, 2015

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cunt call

Like a collect call, only better

Operator? Yes, I'd like to make a cunt call

by chomsky66 April 18, 2008

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tired cunt

Tired cunt-
Useless, slow, shit worker, general shit cunt.
Everyone gets sick of a tired cunt really quickly.

"Man drue is useless on the shovel"

"yeah I know he's a fucken tired cunt"

by Hater1313 August 13, 2015

Cunt Cough

When a mans dick is in a vagina, and the woman coughs so hard the mans dick erupts out and slaps him back on his own balls or belly.

Susan, I almost orgasmed before you cunt coughed my dick out! Now I have blue balls! blue balls

by RezaWrekt April 17, 2015

Cunt Hound

A person who drops everything such as work and chores to follow the trail of the nearest bitch.

Person 1 - "Hey have you seen Craig Cockring lately? He is late for our meeting?

Person 2 - "I saw him Cunt hounding after Alicia. Hope he doesn't get hit by a car."

by Gaspumper October 30, 2014

Cunt Smith

a Gynaecologist

"I saw your misses at the local Cunt Smith the other day"

by Hank2000 January 29, 2009

cunt squad

A particularly bitchy clique who are neither liked nor popular, but seem to think they are both. usually comprised of nerds and/or stoners that think they're better than everyone else and need to get the shit beat out of them

guy 1: "that fugly bitch just flipped me off!"

guy 2: "dude, the whore's been hanging out with the techies lately. chalk another one up for the cunt squad."

by frost_wolf93 June 13, 2009