Ice chad is a male guy that you would meet on discord. Ice chad can be a brother to anyone, and can be the worst enemy of everyone. He is 6'3 and is totally jacked. Ice chad has a sharp jawline, a 7 inch grower, beautiful hair, gorgeous face, nice beard He spends a quarter of his life studying, quarter of his life working out, quarter of his life sleeping, and quarter of his life doing the stuff he wants. Ice chad, is a true level of a chad.
Karolis: I can't talk right now, I am studying.
Sam: Studying for what?
Karolis: I am trying to find the cure of cancer
Sam: You are such an Ice chad
Wow look at that Literal Chad Over there I think their name is Zenspex!
A Chad, is a cocky asshole who destroys everything they touch. A free range Chad, disrespects every boundary you have, oblivious to the fact that people even have boundaries.
Me: He can you not name call? I don't like it at all
Him: I do what I want
Me: Stop being a free range Chad
Noun: a type of body buzz, similar to a high from shooting roids or heroin, but it is a natural buzz that comes from being diddled harshly by authority figures like Kunt, Gev, or Barma. Also a feeling that can be caused by being around naperville faggots or shooting baskets with other kunts at yellow box or doing things in other situations that causes a similar feeling of being a total twatwaffle.
Render dawggie: Yo brahs, what yous gettin into today ?
Key Monny : hey nigrums, im all about getting that chad effect!
Cassata nems: should we hit up the box? Or you guys thinkin of gettin our balls smashed at launch nems by a dirty ass kunt palmer for that deep chad effect buzz?
A male species who self identifies as a chad . Usually works in a hotel and is not muscular but has the nametag of Chad Tay.
"Hey , I heard Chad Tay's on typhoon leave.."
"Yeah , his name tag even says Chad Tay."
Former ceo who was suceeded by Susan Wabbajack herself, ultimately the hero of the internet
Damn, I sure wish Chad Hurley wasn't suceeded by Susan Wabbajack!
The best teacher at the Franklin school of innovation
“Hey who is your favorite teacher?”
“Mr Chad obviously”