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International look at vivi day

international look at vivi day is where one must look at vivi from loona, dates decemeber 9th

pee: hey did you hear?
nis: no
pee: its international look at vivi day here

by jokemso October 10, 2020

French american international school

French american international school is a school were every single girl like other girls which leaves the boys to make out with their own hands. The mix of terrible teachers and racist students they sure make the 35,000 dollar tuition worth it.

Person 1 "who is that teacher crying over there"
Person 2 " I don't know but I think they teach at french american international school

by VOOODOOOO November 4, 2021

International Bellend Day

The moaning and whingeing of limp dick losers that takes part every year on the 8th of March in parallel with International Womens Day.

"I see from the Daily Mail comments section that it's international bellend day again."

by BigDaddyGee March 8, 2021

all internal

Porn category where all cumshots occur inside a body cavity, such as vagina, mouth, or anus. As opposed to an external cum shot, which is on tits, butt cheek, face, or belly.

Wow. That reverse-gangbang scene was all internal. Each time he came, he was deep inside some ho.

by Ardias July 4, 2023

International Fuck The Police Day

November 19th is International Fuck The Police Day. A decade-spanning American tradition, celebrants gather on this day each year to break the law together. Originally celebrated simply by smoking lots of weed in a large group, now in the post-prohibition era International Fuck The Police Day is celebrated in myriad ways, including consuming drugs, shooting guns, and setting off fireworks.

November 19th is coming up, what are your plans for International Fuck The Police Day?

by TheCianinator November 19, 2024

Riggi Media International

A Media Production Company located in Canada Windsor Ontario

Riggi Media International is a value adding Media producer.

by Riggi Media International November 18, 2022

International Fart Day

International Fart Day takes place on October 19th.

Dude guess what today is”
October 19th?”
“No, it’s International Fart Day”

by Marcusscus November 17, 2020