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Your mum

A woman who like the chutney ferrets and likes to do the Cleveland steamer whilst felching

Your mum

by Bum chutney yeah boi August 19, 2023

your mum

to insult someone.

what time is it?

your mum

by enlwligliebgreirenogr January 2, 2022

your mum

your mum is a another word for ‘sex toy’, please be aware they have flappy fannies. Let the lord deal with her sketty self. her names either Ava or Rebecca.

guy 1: your mums fit
guy 2: she has a boyfriend

guy 3: she’s a sket

guy 2: i know

by poomam October 19, 2019

Your Mum

a person who gave u life dumbass why are you looking this up motherfucker

"hey i fucked your mum!"

by ImATonk April 10, 2020

Your mum

my favorite person on Earth

- We need to break up, I think I have a crush on your mum

by veryclosefriend26 November 22, 2021

Your mum

The best dick handler in bed.

Your mum is the best

by Your_mum's_pussy_destroier November 20, 2021

Your mum

1. An abbreviation of the British comeback phrase "Suck your mum"
2. A snarky response to a roast. As if to say "No, your mom is"

1.Friend(if you have one): "Your gay"

You: "Your mum"
2.Friend(if you have one): "Are you on crack?"
You: "Your mom"

by AnxiousCow July 28, 2020