A woman who like the chutney ferrets and likes to do the Cleveland steamer whilst felching
Your mum
your mum is a another word for ‘sex toy’, please be aware they have flappy fannies. Let the lord deal with her sketty self. her names either Ava or Rebecca.
guy 1: your mums fit
guy 2: she has a boyfriend
guy 3: she’s a sket
guy 2: i know
a person who gave u life dumbass why are you looking this up motherfucker
- We need to break up, I think I have a crush on your mum
1. An abbreviation of the British comeback phrase "Suck your mum"
2. A snarky response to a roast. As if to say "No, your mom is"
1.Friend(if you have one): "Your gay"
You: "Your mum"
2.Friend(if you have one): "Are you on crack?"
You: "Your mom"