Source Code

Amber Rush

A person that may or may not be somewhat chaotic. Seriously, they will be an awesome person or the worst depending on the situation. Secretly, they’re the best friend you need in your life.

Guy: “Hey, is that Amber Rush?”
Guy 2: “Woah dude! As in they’ll be awesome or crazy?”
Guy: “Yeah, that Amber Rush. Hopefully, they’re the good kind of crazy.”

by datboimcgriffinmuff May 15, 2023

Amber Tea

When you decide that snacks will suffice for tea while drinking

This beer tastes good, let’s just have an Amber tea

by seltzer girl February 6, 2022

amber carter

1) Xanax induced Foolishness 2) Borderline Retarded Succubus while under the influence of Narcotics. 3) The Source of False Rumors. 4)To cause destruction of ones life or 5)to Scam, Scheme, or rip-off those whom engage in communications directly. 6) Character Flaw, 7) Lacking of Morals or Conscious 8) Detrimental to all whomever is targeted. 9) Extreme Jenky behavior or Jenkyness or Intense manipulation efforts often foiled

You totally Amber Carter'd their lives now they are left to ruin.

Please don't Amber Carter me because I trusted and it would break my heart.

I want to avoid being Amber Carter'd ever again.

Please hide or secure your valuables because he/she/they are really an Amber Carter and you may have them be stolen from you.

You don't want to have your reputation Amber Carter'd because you will be the gossip of the town/city even though it's all untrue.

I saw an Amber Carter coming from a mile away and wasn't going to fall victim to such desolation.

by Professor G-Code April 11, 2024

Amber :P

An expression used to initiate fire.

"Amber :P!!"

by runnin' March 31, 2024

Amber Alexa

Amber alexa is an extremely difficult person/ problematic person. This type of person usually is known to cause lots of problems and then gets angry when they get confronted about it. They are extremely hypocritical as well.

Bro, Amber alexa is so problematic!
For real bro, someone humble her!

by donnalover911 October 23, 2022

amber mcbride

The sweetest most caring,open-minded,warm,giving,uplifting,best friend any man or woman can have.She is wonderful,
pleasant to be around and the most incredible friend any one person can have.#I love you bro.

Amber mcbride is great.

by Precious Warrior December 13, 2017

Amber Avalanche

When you’ve had a rowdy night full of booze, then added on a nightcap shotgun that you didn’t need before sexy time that comes back up on his chest and mid section while performing fellatio.

Bro, I got the most sick Amber Avalanche from my girl last night. She definitely needed that last beer to accomplish.

by straight.killin.McMillin. July 20, 2021