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Throw a right one

To have a tantrum.

Steve Irwin:I hope she's not gonna throw a right one, these guys get real moody sometimes.

by Scarlo-hara January 24, 2008

throwing up the jets

The act of making a fist with your thumb and pinky out

Person 1: what are you going to do when the teacher confronts you?
Person 2: Im throwing up the jets and leaving

by crashlax October 30, 2013

Throwing shit in the fan

venezuelan way of defining someone that says the biggest lie ever to a group of people and they believe it. (If you throw a piece of shit in the fan while is on, everyone will catch a little bit of your shit)

*group of 5 engaging in a conversation*

“-Yeah i’m quite smart for math my mom told me I learned how to solve algebra equations at 4 years old”

“+come on bro you’re throwing shit in the fan rn”

venezuelan example:

“mano la profe me dio su numero ayer vino a mi casa y todo
“-ya le echaste mierda al ventilador wn”

by venezuelandaddy April 14, 2023

Throw the Rocks On the Ice

Used in Calgary to tell someone to calm the fuck down and/or that you're ready to fight them.

"You wanna go bud?"
"Eh, throw the rocks on the ice bud."

by Big Cock McStuffin Loving Jone April 19, 2020

Throw-able at-able

Someone who inspires you to throw things at them. Big things, small things, heavy things, random things...anything. Just because you feel inclined to pick up anything you have around you and toss it at them.

That douchebag with that stupid sweater makes me want to toss something at him, he’s so Throw-able at-able.

by SAK 42 March 3, 2019

Throwing up the 4s

People who throw up the 4s think Nico is the best person

Did u see him throwing up the 4s he must think nico is the best person ever

by N1309 June 3, 2022

1👍 1👎

Throw u in the river

Move to another pub whilst someone is in the toilet without telling them ..

we throw u in the river as you were playing up that much you were going to get us kicked out of the pub

by Spicybite December 3, 2017