When a ass seems fat one day, but other days it may seem flat. It is not a positive, nor a negative word.
Guy 1: her ass was so fat yesterday, now its flat
Guy 2: yea, she has a type fatty
8 ways the human mind can be fucked by something they have seen.
1.) emotionally fucked up
2.) physically fucked up
3.) spiritually fucked up
4.) mentally fucked up
5.) musically fucked up
6.) forcefully fucked up
7.) religiously fucked up
8.) universally fucked up
that bitches pussy smelt like onion powder
got me 8 types of fucked up
adj. When something is Type Valid.
“Colors was type valid today 🔥” -Laro
“type valid, it was” - Yoda
adj. when something is type valid.
1) other way of saying valid.
2) when something is type of a something valid.
3) true.
4)when something is fire.
“Colors was type valid today 🔥”
-K. Laro
“type valid, it was”