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Apple Bobbing

Where a female/ male partner takes both balls in the mouth.

Danny totally got Apple Bobbed last night.

Apple Bobbing is all of the fun.

by Hansaa January 5, 2015

13๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Plum Bob

The act of a woman performing fellatio on a man while he is sitting on a toilet defecating.

Bitch, I don't care if smells like the fart of a raccoon with colon cancer, get on yo knees and gobble this knob while I squeeze out the remnants of your hastily prepared lasagna.

by Slick Dick Lick June 15, 2004

44๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bob Christ

Bob Christ is the half-brother of Jesus Christ.
He was born when God anally raped Satan(dont ask why).

Bob Christ will inherit Heaven and Hell when his parents will die.
Unfortunatly they are eternal beings

by iProphet August 17, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bob Wallum

Hes really something special..whether he is being a champion at guitar hero or just playin vids all day..If hes not doin that hes probably wheelin and dealin (broads) or lifting extremely crazy heavy weights...Besides that he is a huge loser and doesnt go out...He can also be found walking around the fairfield university campus stepping at stupid mother fuckers and hitlering people.....weet furbeck!

bench pressing, curls, lat pull-downs, tricep extensions, push ups, chin ups, sit ups, and leg lifts

The fucking man

Bonkers, nutty, loopy, looped, wacky

bob wallum

by miserable piece of shit 2 September 7, 2008

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Criminy Bobs

the best damn cigarettes in town. they're very underground so its tough to find them, but goddamn they are good.

my whole family smokes Criminy Bobs. even the kids!!

by ohgodlookitsme February 11, 2011

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Poon Bobbing

To perform oral sex on a lady and grab the Tampon string from her parts with your teeth and pull, should she be menstruating.

Or to "Pon Bob" a sexual game.

I went down on her for a good old Poon Bobbing. Pulled it right out of her.

by kingoftheprawnmen February 8, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bob cut

A piece of hair, only on a young male. It usually only takes place at the back.

Thomas (A.K.A. Bob cut borger)

by Buzz cut December 13, 2018

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