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Sarah Collins

Sarah Collins is usually small or tiny smart and great dancer .Sarah Collins can be very sassy and make others mad or sad . Sarah Collins loves to get their way but very helpful as well

Sarah Collins said you did that

by Bennie101 March 2, 2019

salty sarah

A girl who’s as salty as salt and vinegar chips

Why is she so salty???

Cause that’s salty Sarah

by Kokkokk October 13, 2017

Sarah Time

When someone needs to process alone time while not actually needing to be alone

Kate: they need some Sarah time.

by Noodles_Doodles July 8, 2023

Sarah Cheung

a liar.

Don't be like Sarah Cheung and be honest

by 2ria14 July 22, 2020

naughty sarah

The cutest girl in the world! Has a baby nose you just want to bite off! Has the tendency to side against the ones she loves the most. Also, says unintelligent comments without thinking of the consequences like she is straight outta Compton. A naughty sarah loves using vulgar language!

Don't let a naughty sarah where cowboy boots they have no intention of shooting down a bird!

by JH390 November 21, 2017

Sarah Griffin

Loud mouth bully bitch that likes to yell at everyone. She doesn't even have a reason to yell at them, so she makes shit up. A psychotic narcissistic cunt, and ugly too, though she really thinks she is all that. Dumb bitch!

What a cunt! ..... Oh you must be talking about Sarah Griffin

by Justmetheoneshefuckedover May 3, 2022

Sarah Lushitti

An extremely attractive italian person with an easy-to-make-into a-rude-word last name.

"Did you see that Sarah Lushitti!?"

by heythere19283344 November 12, 2009